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#9360 Up↑ /4 Down↓ [Report] 2015-07-27 17:15 WST
<@Frenchie> how many trips is this now?
cephei> 4th overnight stay ^_^
< cephei> and bi weekly appointments
< Pommers> Soon
< cephei> nope
< cephei> never
< eskilla> 2 more visits and I think you get a free coffee, cephei
<+Zanchey> free baby I hope
< eskilla> lolol -
#9357 Up↑ /4 Down↓ [Report] 2015-06-08 22:24 WST
<@Pommers> My fave con photo ever https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/417638_2895388058301_926057100_n.jpg?oh=b1fdaf342d72d47c5d5b9db3b974f41f&oe=5634A1ED
< cephei> wow look at your boyband hair
<@Pommers> Look at that time I had hair
<@Pommers> And when I stole a baby
< spartan> I'm not your lawyer, but...
< spartan> the phrasing is "borrowed and misplaced"
<@Pommers> Ty
<@Pommers> That time I "borrowed and then subsequently misplaced" a baby
<@Pommers> Her aunt wasn't happy
* cephei rules Pommers out for babysitter
< tpg> cephei: You had him on the list?
< cephei> haha -
#9356 Up↑ /3 Down↓ [Report] 2015-05-10 22:56 WST
<@Pommers> https://www.dropbox.com/s/5tk3mnfbjf0ik9l/2015-05-01%2020.04.34.jpg?dl=0
<@Pommers> spartan: ^
<+trs80> that should come with a warning
<+trs80> it's not for the attention of spartan
<+trs80> it is an extreme close-up photo of spartan
<@Pommers> hehehe
<@Pommers> https://www.dropbox.com/s/5c9z8hu9g1wyjpx/2015-05-01%2020.04.31.jpg?dl=0
<@Pommers> Warning: Spartan
< cephei> we're posting photos of spartan?
<@Pommers> I should start collecting extremely bad close up photos of UCCans
<@Pommers> I've got two of spartan and one of sulix so far
< cephei> https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7144/14024904861_bf5453d7f8_b.jpg
<@tpg> cephei: That's almost a good photo
<@Pommers> He looks scared
< cephei> hah
Nearly 3 hours pass
< spartan> Pommers: posting pics of me and I go miss it
< spartan> I can't be in vogue and in #ucc at the same time apparently
<@Pommers> New life goal
<@Pommers> Get spartan into vogue
< spartan> Pommers: vogue or Vogue?
< spartan> I daresay the latter is impossible
<@Pommers> Vogue. It's now my vogue-action
<@Pommers> s/act/at/
< spartan> I feel like I've had my position usurped as resident shit-joker
<@Pommers> xD