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#9357 Up↑ /4 Down↓ [Report] 2015-06-08 22:24 WST
<@Pommers> My fave con photo ever https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/417638_2895388058301_926057100_n.jpg?oh=b1fdaf342d72d47c5d5b9db3b974f41f&oe=5634A1ED
< cephei> wow look at your boyband hair
<@Pommers> Look at that time I had hair
<@Pommers> And when I stole a baby
< spartan> I'm not your lawyer, but...
< spartan> the phrasing is "borrowed and misplaced"
<@Pommers> Ty
<@Pommers> That time I "borrowed and then subsequently misplaced" a baby
<@Pommers> Her aunt wasn't happy
* cephei rules Pommers out for babysitter
< tpg> cephei: You had him on the list?
< cephei> haha -
#8416 Up↑ /2 Down↓ [Report] 2008-10-30 22:51 WST
<Frenchie> ok, so of a /30 assignment
<Frenchie> the marks range between 10 and 20
<Frenchie> I have to wonder if it's really a /20 assignment
<Frenchie> given that the only place /30 is mentioned is webct
<amoeba> out of a /30 assignment there should only be like, 4 questions amirite -
#109 Up↑ /18 Down↓ [Report] 2007-08-28 11:36 WST
< shmookey> fish oil tablets look revolting
< shmookey> why do they have to have pictures of fish on them?
< jacques> mine don't have pictures of fish on them
< shmookey> the "no fishy reflux!" label doesn't help either
< shmookey> it's almost like they're saying "(nearly) no fishy reflux"
< prothoss> shmookey: the fish might come from that fact that the tablets come from fish... just a hing
< prothoss> hing... hmm... nope, no clue what I was actually trying to put there...
< jacques> whatever it was
< jacques> it was fishy
< shmookey> if you hadn't have floundered I'd have just accepted it
< zarquin> hmm, what a sordid tail
< jacques> does it scale?
< zarquin> i fin-k so
< shmookey> is this the best you guys cod do?
< zarquin> i'd have to hook it up
< shmookey> these puns are total carp
< jacques> well
< jacques> things don't always go swimmingly
< zarquin> eeeh. stop sitting up there on your perch
< shmookey> I think you need kelp
< shmookey> you're mentally eel
< zarquin> i sea.
< jacques> no need for salty language