Heard In Cameron Hall QDB

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<shmookey> "How on earth am I going to do a search-and-replace from the command-line?", Tom said.
<splintax> "I guess I'll have to search through the man pages", he griped.
<splintax> "Let me go", mumbled Tom cagily.
<hell_hou1d> "I am cold," said Tom coldly
<shmookey> "I know, I'll output all the text to the terminal", said Tom cattily.
<shmookey> "But if only I could just output the last bit...", Tom tailed off.
<splintax> "Well, that's showbiz," mused Tom.
<splintax> "I wish the mail server was online," pined Tom.
<cameron> "I suck at coming up with these", Tom shouted over the vacuum cleaner.
<shmookey> "Someone else can deal with all this data", Tom piped up.
<splintax> "This file must be renamed," moved Tom.
<shmookey> "This file must be renamed," copied Frank.
<splintax> "It's a shame I can't read that fast," mourned Tom.
<shmookey> "Mail's still not up...", Tom muttered.
<splintax> "Guess I'll have to read it manually," Tom said vimdictively.
<splintax> "If only this software were cross-platform," whined Tom.
<@Zanchey> "What a change," Tom trilled.
<@Zanchey> "We need regularity in our expressions," Tom said.
<splintax> There was something wrong with this user, but Tom couldn't put his finger on it.
<shmookey> "Why do you stay still for so long, n00b?" Tom sniped.
<@Zanchey> "Just take the third one," Tom said cuttingingly.
< splintax> "?", said Ed.
<@Zanchey> "I've got the power," he said sharply.
<@Zanchey> "Can you put it together?" Tom asked.
<shmookey> "Web's down too," said Tom, linking his ideas together
<splintax> "Everybody's talking," said Tom of the controversy.
<@Zanchey> "It's a pity," Tom consoled her.
<shmookey> "I'm thinking of going to Java," said Ruby.
<splintax> "Why is termcap so complicated?" cursed Tom.
<@Zanchey> "Just link them together," said Tom, keeping a lid on his anger.
<splintax> "I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel here," said Tom glibly.
<@Zanchey> wow, that's amazingly foresighted, they've extended the due time from 9am to 12mid due to the fremantle line shutdown
<shmookey> "That's amazingly foresighted," said Zanchey, busily.
<splintax> "Why not watch the F1 racing?" offered Tom helpfully.
<shmookey> "I just got an M3," beamed Tom.
<splintax> "Pfft, a German car?" lambasted Jerry.
<splintax> "It's the best I can afford", said Tom speedily.