Heard In Cameron Hall QDB

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-!- splintax is now known as dick_cheese
< cameron> This is a pretty cheesey conversation
< dick_cheese> now now, no need to get all holier-than-thou about it, cameron
< dick_cheese> that's not very mature of you
< cameron> If I was any more mature, I'd be covered in mould.
< shmookey> cameron: your blue veins are enough
< splintax> shmookey: no need to wax critical
< splintax> wow this is pretty hard
< cameron> You're doing grate so far.
< splintax> now if you guys could just stop grilling me for results
< shmookey> it just oc curd to me that this is kinda lame
< shmookey> splintax: no need to melt down at the slightest provocation
< splintax> shmookey: that's whey out of line
< maset> I'm quite fondue of puns
< cameron> ho ho ho. you'll be edammed to hell for that one splintax
< splintax> your witticisms make the blood curdle, cameron
< splintax> fuck
< splintax> I just realised that's just a derivative of curd. :(
< cameron> Yes. You should try harder to integrate original ideas.
< maset> I gouda try harder
< shmookey> splintax: you lactose talent
< maset> This is a very cultured conversation
< shmookey> you're stiltons better than hell_hound though
< splintax> we're scraping the bottom of the barrel here
< splintax> I'd prefer to continue this discussion unfetta'd by hell_hound's comments
< maset> I'm not sure where you're pulling these fromage
< cameron> maset: I think it would brie better if that was kept secret
< shmookey> what swiss these crap puns?
< Gretel> hell_hound, you seem to be a dickhead. Just for the record
-!- Gretel is now known as Gretelsleep
< cameron> Gretel: you camambert quit yet!
< hell_hound> oi gretel u'd have to meet me really to judge someone
< maset> hell_hound: stopping parma'ing yourself off as a victim
< hell_hound> you can't just judge someone
< shmookey> you're devon'itly right
< splintax> shmookey: not in this kase
< cameron> "Dear dairy, what a day it's been."
< maset> hell_hound: Gruyere did you read that?
< splintax> looks like wi-cotta nother bad pun
< maset> I'ts almost time to stop wheeling out these block headed puns
< splintax> this is terrible, I'm heading back to my cottage
< maset> hell_hound: you should join in the fungus
< maset> hell_hound is going crackers
< shmookey> yeah, stop wine'ing
< cameron> maset: I'll have your head on a platter if you keep this up :)
< splintax> no need to wine
< splintax> fuck you shmookey
< splintax> guess I can't reinvent the wheel then
< cameron> splintax: shmookey is rather good, isn't he?
< cameron> in fact you could probably go so far as calling him krafty
< splintax> well, begas can't be choosers
< shmookey> cameron: I bega to differ
< splintax> HA
< shmookey> FUCK
< splintax> looks like you just got shredded
< shmookey> why don't you look pasteurize and see the poor man being owned before you?
< maset> I can see Frenchie getting cheese clothed off pretty soon
< maset> damnit
 * maset tries again
< splintax> too late maset, you've already spoiled it
< shmookey> hell_hound: you came from a cow, but I milked her anyway
< maset> how udderly wonderful
< cameron> Jokes of inter-ga-lactic proportions
< splintax> I'm hitting the sack, I'm finding myself intolerant of these buns
< splintax> I coon't take it anymore