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<trs80> the Christian Coalition suggested that all bandwidth problems could be fixed by simply offering fewer porn video-on-demand channels and using them for Internet traffic instead.
<thebmw> ... where they can simply be used for porn anyway
<thebmw> genius!
<amoeba> the christian coalition can lick my balls
<amoeba> well not really i dont want fundamentalist christians anywhere near me let alone my balls
<The_Dan> needs more jesus porn
<amoeba> of course - those nails on the cross leave some handy holes.
<thebmw> yeah, I heard he liked getting nailed
<thebmw> and he could stay up for days
<amoeba> oh no we're going to hell
<thebmw> meh
<The_Dan> and rise again soon after
<zarquin> he was a bit of a (t)horny bastard
<thebmw> it really would be the holy grail of porn
<The_Dan> biblical proportions
<thebmw> for sure, they'll celebrate it every year