Heard In Cameron Hall QDB

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< theodore> tpg: sup fresher!
< tpg> theodore: not for much longer!
< theodore> tpg: shut up fresher!
< tpg> Enjoy this one last day of us being freshers
< tpg> bob: I can has op for 10s?
< theodore> tpg: you wish....................... fresher
< theodore> also, you're a fresher until the next group officially starts classes. So thats on monday..... FRESHER!!!!!
< theodore> I still say we should have brought in proper hazing for the freshers
 * tpg sulks
-!- mode/#ucc [+o tpg] by ChanServ
< theodore> tpg: LOL
-!- theodore was kicked from #ucc by tpg [S'up troll?]
-!- mode/#ucc [-o tpg] by ChanServ
< tpg> Thanks!