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#9240 Up↑ /11 Down↓ [Report] 2013-08-04 19:40 WST
Lecturer: I'd like to introduce the unit coordinator <redacted>. <redacted> has been learning from senior professors around the university and realizes that if you want to get ahead, the important thing to do is to get other people to do your work for you. Which is why I'm here giving this lecture. On my birthday.
#106 Up↑ /34 Down↓ [Report] 2007-08-14 09:14 WST
< shmookey> prothoss: nah, statically updated. probably should be run as a cronjob.
< prothoss> heh, I remember first learning about cronjobs, needless to say I was disappointed as a 15 year old
< shmookey> my first cronjob was amazing. it was with charlotte, she really knew what she was doing.
< shmookey> she was really good at cronjobs, had probably done heaps of them in the past.