Top Quotes
#8982 Up↑ /5 Down↓ [Report] 2011-02-11 16:26 WST
<tpg[work]> 50000 lines of operating system, 4 uses of "fuck"
<grug> yeah we have a fuck function in one of our applications
<tpg[work]> hmm... grep f\*\*\* ... not a good idea
<grug> did you ever think it was a good idea?
<tpg[work]> well, I tried to escape it so it would match wank
<tpg[work]> but forgot that even though bash wouldn't parse the *, grep would
<tpg[work]> so, 4x "fuck" + 1x "wank", no other curses that a quick grep can find
<bob> so you have a 1 in 12500 chance of getting fuck? I can believe that.. -
#8619 Up↑ /5 Down↓ [Report] 2009-08-24 16:59 WST
<Zanchey> UCC really is dumb conversation ground central
In the clubroom:
<tpg> apparently "UCC really is dumb conversation ground central"
<bob> what? who said that?
<tpg> Zanchey!
<bob> zanchey?! really?
<Zanchey> it's true
<bob> well, I'm not talking to you then!
<Zanchey> QED -
#8385 Up↑ /5 Down↓ [Report] 2008-07-30 23:43 WST
Gretel> oh dear god. Student services gave Chris free thongs
Phildo> sexy
Gretel> like foot thongs
Gretel> I have never seen anything as hilarious as an exgoth in thongs
Gretel> its like, here I am, trying to be a bogan
Gretel> when really, I want to be at home inside in the dark writing poetry -
#8281 Up↑ /5 Down↓ [Report] 2008-06-27 08:58 WST
<zarquin> i'll show you my string
<zarquin> theory
<thebmw> zarquin: the girls tell me it's not as big as it's cracked up to be
<zarquin> i tie-r of these false accusations
<zarquin> i wonder who roped them into saying that
<thebmw> it was part of a multi-threaded conversation
<harrymc> zarquin: give you enough ..
<thebmw> but the who is knot terribly important
<zarquin> i was a-fray-d of rhtat
<zarquin> i don't think i can strand it any longer...
<kadeton> that was a dreadful line
<kadeton> totally dis-cord-ant
<thebmw> kadeton seems to have cottoned on to our conversation now
<kadeton> indeed, I'm having a ball
<thebmw> though he's perhaps being a bit of a granny about it
<zarquin> it's reel-y quite bad
<kadeton> quit your twining
<cameron> it's more knit-picking really
<zarquin> weave really got to get a grip on where we're going
<thebmw> but also put some more hemp-phasis on where we've already been
<^spyn> i am going to sew you all for making such bad puns
<thebmw> typical of spyn to cut us off
<harrymc> spyn should stop his twining -
#140 Up↑ /5 Down↓ [Report] 2007-10-12 17:11 WST
< shmookey> oh you missed my snide comment
< cameron> You need better comedic thyming.
< cameron> Also more variety. It's the spice of humour.
< shmookey> it's that season again is it?
* shmookey shrugs gingerly
* cameron laughs.
< cameron> You're nuts!
< cameron> I was just giving you some sage advice.
< shmookey> calling people names can be a form of a salt
< cameron> No need for such a chili attitude
< shmookey> haha don't worry, I'm just capering
< shmookey> I expect in half an hour the window will be peppered with these silly puns
< ^spyn> do it again
< cameron> You mean to say that shmookey and I think we're fennel but we're not? :P
< splintax> where are you saucing these puns from?
< thebmw> you want to know where those puns are cummin from?
< ^spyn> oh god
< shmookey> haha thebmw that was mint
< cameron> Yeah, one of the few puns here that actually cuts the mustard
< shmookey> ^spyn you will rue the day you interrupted our pun session
< ^spyn> shmookey: are you some kind of sage because you are telling how it is
< Gretel> oh for fucks sake guys
< shmookey> Gretel is clearly nettled by our poor wordplay
< Gretel> oh yes very clever
< splintax> we're just trying to spread happiness
< Gretel> heh.
< splintax> no need to redress us for it
< ^spyn> there is plenty of thyme for happiness
< splintax> ^spyn: way to reuse our buns