Heard In Cameron Hall QDB

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< shmookey> oh you missed my snide comment
< cameron> You need better comedic thyming.
< cameron> Also more variety. It's the spice of humour.
< shmookey> it's that season again is it?
 * shmookey shrugs gingerly
 * cameron laughs.
< cameron> You're nuts!
< cameron> I was just giving you some sage advice.
< shmookey> calling people names can be a form of a salt
< cameron> No need for such a chili attitude
< shmookey> haha don't worry, I'm just capering
< shmookey> I expect in half an hour the window will be peppered with these silly puns
< ^spyn> do it again
< cameron> You mean to say that shmookey and I think we're fennel but we're not? :P
< splintax> where are you saucing these puns from?
< thebmw> you want to know where those puns are cummin from?
< ^spyn> oh god
< shmookey> haha thebmw that was mint
< cameron> Yeah, one of the few puns here that actually cuts the mustard
< shmookey> ^spyn you will rue the day you interrupted our pun session
< ^spyn> shmookey: are you some kind of sage because you are telling how it is
< Gretel> oh for fucks sake guys
< shmookey> Gretel is clearly nettled by our poor wordplay
< Gretel> oh yes very clever
< splintax> we're just trying to spread happiness
< Gretel> heh.
< splintax> no need to redress us for it
< ^spyn> there is plenty of thyme for happiness
< splintax> ^spyn: way to reuse our buns