Heard In Cameron Hall QDB

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<^spyn> I've been giving people heaps of electric shocks at work
<^spyn> probarly doesn't help that I'm building computers either
<vixen> ^spyn: how shocking
<^spyn> vixen: watts going on
<vixen> the atmosphere must be electric there
<vixen> (that was splintax)
<vixen> couldn't you resist the temptation?
<vixen> (splintax again)
<thebmw> ^spyn: i hope you're charging
<vixen> thebmw: don't tamper with this conversation
<^spyn> i'm getting all wired up
<thebmw> don't let the power get to your head
<vixen> i'll have to call in the coppers
<^spyn> there should be enough capacity
<vixen> perhaps you should conduct yourself in a more positive manner
<vixen> you had the potential to be so much greater
<vixen> although, I guess it's not your volt
<^spyn> would they get me for battery?
<^spyn> its okay, i will solder on
* vixen is now known as splintaxstolemy
<thebmw> watch out for their induction
* splintaxstolemy is currently thinking of better puns
<thebmw> splintaxstolemy: just don't get caught in a loop
<^spyn> socket it to me
<splintaxstolemy> these puns are alternating between good and shit
<splintaxstolemy> ohmmygod
<splintaxstolemy> (that was vuxen)
<splintaxstolemy> vixen*
<thebmw> splintaxstolemy: i shall relay that message for you
<splintaxstolemy> I'm dioding inside
<splintaxstolemy> running out of words to fuse in puns
<^spyn> you're a bright spark