Heard In Cameron Hall QDB

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< vixen> lurk
< shmookey> hey alix
<@sjy> vixen: you suck at lurking
< adrian> lurky?
< spartan> sjy: we're speaking in english, so we can't tell which verb type 'lurk' is
< spartan> methinks it's the imperative
<@sjy> spartan: I guess that's the only form of the verb in english that can stand alone as a valid sentence
<@sjy> spartan: that said, correct internetese would demand the qualifier 'moar'
< spartan> hmm
< cameron> I dispute the existence of 'correct internetese'
< spartan> cameron: have you never raged at someone saying ROFLMAO at 'rot-fel-may-yoh'?
< cameron> no
< cameron> I have never experienced anyone trying to pronounce ROFLMAO (or even ROFL) out loud
< spartan> feel lucky you haven't
< cameron> something which I'm quite happy to continue to not experience
<@sjy> cameron: perhaps we need to establish an Academie Internetaise
 * cameron laughs
< adrian> i'll fix that for your cameron
< adrian> I also say "MOAR"
< cameron> is "moar" pronounced any differently form "more" ?!
<@sjy> cameron: yeah, it's like 'oar' with an m in front of it, rather than 'ore'...
< adrian> Well depends if you're trying to communicate the difference or not
< adrian> This will make a great topic of discussion when we're both drunk and at the same place, cameron