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#98 Up↑ /3 Down↓ [Report] 2007-08-07 08:22 WST
<elsmorian> Whats a med student doing hanging out on the CS IRC channel!?
< Zanchey> elsmorian: IRCing, duh :-)
< frosty> els: it's not CS :P
< elsmorian> fro: ??
< Zanchey> the university computer club != computer science students club (CSSC)
< elsmorian> Well thats just confusing!
< frosty> els: why? milliways isn't the compsci talker, is it?
< frosty> nor is the SUCS forum the compsci forum?
< frosty> it's the comp soc's stuff :)
< frosty> and we have lots of non comp-sci people :)
< elsmorian> No I know
< frosty> els: you're only half compsci :P
< elsmorian> but we dont, not really
< elsmorian> I'm not even half :p
< elsmorian> But teh gross majority are CS
< frosty> And boy, are they gross